This is a blog created to help you build up your Spanish by reading and listening to samples of how Spanish sounds and works. Its aim is to provide you with the basic elements that my teaching experience has taught me as the most important to understand how Spanish actually works.

Do not expect to find a regular grammar with the typical themes and styles you would find in a classic Spanish school handbook. The fact of being both, English and Spanish, teacher has helped me a lot to understand how important are the huge similarities and little differences between both languages. Approaching these similarities and differences will help you out to see the big picture in a much wider and clarifying way.

Spanish is thought to be an easy language, and it actually is, in fact, it is one of the common features shared with English. But easier does not mean simple, and many people get frustrated when they realize it is not "that" easy.

Who said learning Spanish was hard?

My students will have full access to the material I prepared regarding the topics of these entries. It is all original material created exclusively for my students, presented in pdf format specially designed for digital study. If you are interested in more free material, please visit:

~ Design and content by Cristina Dols ~ ©Cristina Dols copyright 2021 ~ All rights reserved ~

One of the keys of pronunciation is being able to distinguish the sounds of the language we want to learn. Not being able to deal with the sounds will make our process of learning tedious and frustrating.

The musicality and the rhythm of each language are unique. The fact of getting used to them will make your learning much easier, faster, and rewarding. That’s the reason why I would like to make things easier for you by going through the sounds of the Spanish alphabet.


Listen carefully...


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