Cristina Dols

I graduated in History from the Universitat de València, and in Photography from the School of Arts and Crafts. I worked as a Photographic Laboratory Technician in two well-known studios. I started to train in video production, digital image processing, and graphic design in different training centres in València. I worked for a couple of years as a trainer of image processing, layout, and web design software. I moved to London, where I continued my training, getting an NVQ in Web Design. In London, I worked as Production-Manager in charge of a print technology magazine of global distribution, and its website. Back in Spain, I worked for six years in a well-known Barcelona photographic laboratory, studied English to Spanish Translation at IH Barcelona, and I taught Digital Photography at different Community Centres. About seven years ago I moved back to València, where I have dedicated myself to translating and teaching, both English and Spanish. Currently, I am studying a Degree in English Studies at UNED.

My hobbies are simple. Photography, more than a hobby or a profession, is part of me. I am an eclectic reader: 20th century literature, essays, history, or bird, mushrooms, and herbs guides. I like to walk up the mountain, discovering life in each branch, in each stone, and being surrounded by green, much green... And if I can, on my way back, I pick up the plastic that others left behind.


~ Design and content by Cristina Dols ~ ©Cristina Dols copyright 2021 ~ All rights reserved ~

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