One of the keys of pronunciation is being able to distinguish the sounds of the language we want to learn. Not being able to deal with the sounds will make our process of learning tedious and frustrating.

The musicality and the rhythm of each language are unique. The fact of getting used to them will make your learning much easier, faster, and rewarding. That’s the reason why I would like to make things easier for you by going through the sounds of the Spanish alphabet.


Spanish people usually say our mother tongue is read in the same way it is written. This is understandable for us only, though, as for you, facing this new language for the very first time, it may sound absurd. But there is some truth in it. Once you have gotten used to the sounds of our letters you will stick to these sounds forever: the sounds of the letters are quite consistent (that is one of the reasons why reading loud in Spanish will be quite useful to improve your pronunciation). Take vowels as a clear example:


Our alphabet, almost identical to English (only different letter compared to English is “ñ”), comes with five vowels: a, e, i, o, u; same as English. But, for us, these five letters are related to their correspondent five sounds which are going to sound in the same way always. In English, for example, you have the same five vowels, but their combination with other letters are going to make these five letters become, how many? Ten different vowel sounds? About the same is going to happen to the consonants:


Let’s go through our alphabet now.


Listen carefully...


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